Categories: Self-CareWellness

Your bed is good for ONLY the 3 S’s: Sleep, Sex, Sickness

You heard it, folks! Your bed is a sacred space for rest and unwinding. Do not use it for ANYTHING other than these three things – the three S’s:

  1. Sleepy time
  2. Sexy time
  3. Sickness time

#1: Your bed is for sleepy time.

Sleep is so important, I IMMEDIATELY thought of three other S’s: Snooze, slumber, siesta, and I’m SURE there are many more.

A lot of people run well off minimal sleep. I’m talking 4 or 5 hours a night. Really though, I’m not sure how they do it because in order for my body to feel its best, I need 8 or 9 hours. Needy? Maybe, but it works for me. Ideally, you should be getting 7-8 hours.

Why? Your body needs sleep for the following reasons plus many more:

MOST of all, you get SLANGRY (Sleepy-angry…it’s the worst). Your mood worsens and you get snappy at those around you.

#2: Your bed is for sexy time.

Traditionally, sexy time happens with someone you feel fondly about. It’s intimate, vulnerable, and also…tiring.

There’s a lot of tossing and turning that happens, and just some times, you end up on your hands and knees. Thankfully for that BED of yours (unless you’re just feeling freaky), your knees won’t bruise and you won’t be touching the cold hard floor.

And then when sexy time is over, you and your partner probably want to cuddle and talk, right? Then you guys want to have a fat nap because you’re so worn out?

CONVENIENT!! Your bed is right there.


#3: Your bed is for sickness time.

Times like food poisoning, seasonal colds (stay hydrated!!), heartbreak, broken bones. Really, ANY time you don’t feel 100% the best version of yourself, you turn to your bed for comfort. That’s what a bed is for – providing comfort.

The warmth, the privacy, and the protection all offer up a spot sacred to you, and you choose it because you feel safe.

When your bed is used as a desk for work, a seat for dining, or just taken out of context for its uses, it is no longer clean and reserved for these three things. By isolating your bed ONLY for these three things, you bring yourself the ability to find true rest, intimacy, and protection with OUT the associations of other daily tasks.


I really do hope you make your bed a space special for certain things. No work allowed. Nada food allowed. No bullshit allowed. You might find it a place MUCH better after you do so. Peace out, my party people 😚

Grace @ Gracitude :