Haaaay, Happy 2018! I’m back and we’re gonna jump into self-care soon, soon! After my pumpkin post, I sort of dropped this whole writing thing because of (1) moving to Denver (what what!) and (2) the craziness of the holidays. But with the new year upon us, I’m feeling more focused than ever. Like, I’ve already written out topics for the ENTIRE YEAR type of focused.
Do I need to chill? Maybe. Will I chill? Chances are…nope.
But like I said, for this very first post of the year I want to jump straight into the topic of self-care. I am so, so gun-ho about everything self-care related. Why? Because it impacts every corner of your life – from your relationships with others to your self-perception.
With the years I’ve been prioritizing self-care (despite how extra it may sometimes be/seem), it has definitely become one of those things you don’t want to let go of once it’s in your life. You guys will wanna trust me on that.
And let me tell you: when self-care is prioritized, you begin listening to your body’s signals, and as a result, feel freaking fantastic.
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Soooo, what is self-care?
Well, let’s first go over what it is NOT.
- Self-care is NOT putting yourself on a strict diet and then binging on everything during your “cheat day”.
- Self-care is NOT hanging around people who are constant Negative Nancys or bringing unproductive influence into your life.
- Self-care is NOT studying and working until your eyes glaze over and you have to re-read the same sentence a bajillion times in a row.
Now…here is, very broadly, what self-care can be:
- Physical: listening to your body and maybe sleeping more, or cutting back on a workout this week
- Mental: taking care of your emotions and your thoughts so you don’t want to strangle every person you see
- Social: embracing community and strengthening relationships
Although there are millions of ways to approach self-care, let me share five tips you can VERY easily adopt into your life.
FIRST WAy: Stay hydrated.
SECOND WAY: Cozy up your bed
Make your bed cozy by having at least 6 pillows on your bed.
Seriously though, when I sleep I put pillows on top of me for added weight (helps you sleep better!), I throw them underneath my comforter for added warmth, and I also surround them around my head to block out extra light.
I’m telling you, it’s amazing.

Literally the best
THIRD WAY: Take a bath
Baths are nice, always, but especially nice during cold winters. They’re amazing for warming up, relaxing muscles, muscle recovery, and also puts you into sleep mood. I fall asleep within minutes of bathing. So… turn on some ambient tunes, dim the lights, and decompress.

FOURTH WAY: Read self-help or personal development books
I don’t kid around on self-help books. They are seriously so special because they shape the way you think, even if right now you think they’re filled with bullshnip & dumb positivity rants.
Some authors have such an amazing way of writing, really as though they’re speaking directly to you and your situation. However, make sure to pick ‘em wisely (read reviews!)…because have the same sentence rewritten LITERALLY a billion ways.
- You are a Badass – Jen Sincero (Hilarious, direct, and totally badass)
- Start with Why – Simon Sinek (This was gifted to me, and since then I’ve gifted and suggested it to lots and lots of people)
- Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill (you guys…the OG positive thinker)
FIFTH WAY: Discover your simple pleasures
- Clean counter tops
- Dancing in my kitchen
- Smiling at strangers (creepy or no???)
- Not wearing pants
- Taking them “artsy” photos ha!
- Feeding myself chocolate
- Dad jokes
THE POINT IS, anything that sparks even a little bit of joy in you is worth spending time with.